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发布时间:2020-06-12 01:25:24



【英译】The four parts of the body will be in correct order, your pulse and breath will become quiet. You will focus your power of awareness and concentrate your mind. Your ears and eyes will not be distracted, and even though things be distant, they will appear as if near at hand. Thought and inquiry produce knowledge, slackness and carelessness produce sorrow, violence and arrogance produce resentment. Sorrow and melancholy produce illness. Sickness and trouble bring death. If you continue to think with no relaxation, inwardly you will be troubled, and outwardly you will grow thin. If you do not make early plans to prevent this, Your life will relinquish its abode. When eating, it is best not to overindulge,  When thinking, it is best not to overdo. When there is a suitable equilibrium, long life will naturally be achieved.

