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发布时间:2020-06-12 02:11:22

【原文】圣人之求事也,先论其理义,计其可否。故义则求之,不义则止。可则求之,不可则止。故其所得事者,常为身宝。小人之求事也,不论其理义,不计其可否,不义亦求之,不可亦求之。故其所得事者,未尝为赖也。 【形势解》


【英译】When the sage wants something done, he first discusses its nature and rightness, and estimates its possibilities. If right, he pursues it; if not, he desists. If possible, he pursues it; if not, he desist. Thus whatever he undertakes is always like a personal treasure to him. But the petty person wants something done, he does not discuss its nature or rightness, nor does he estimate its possibilities. Whether or not it is right or possible, he still pursues it, Therefore his undertakings are never dependable.

