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发布时间:2020-06-11 08:19:59
【原文】一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。一树一获者,谷也;一树十获者,木也;一树百获者,人也。我茍种之,如神用之,举事如神,唯王之门。 《权修》
【汉解】 作一年的打算,最好是种植五谷;作十年的打算,最好是种植树木;作终身的打算,最好是培育人材。种谷,是一种一收;种树,是一种十收;培育人材,则是一种百收的事情。如果我们注重培养人材,其效用将是神奇的;而如此举事收得神效的,只有王者之门才能够做到。
【英译】When planning for one year, there is nothing better than planting grain. When planning for ten years, there is nothing better than plating trees. When planning for a lifetime, there is nothing better than planting men. Grain is something that is planted once and products only a single harvest. Trees are things that are planted once but may produce ten harvests. Men are things that are planted once but may produce a hundred harvests. Having once planted them, Spiritlike I make use of them. To undertake affairs as would the spirits, such is the gate to kingliness.

