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发布时间:2020-06-11 08:25:27
【原文】事者生于虑,成于务,失于傲。不虑则不生,不务则不成,不傲则不失,故曰:市者可以知治乱,可以知多寡,而不能为多寡,为之有道。 《乘马》
【汉解】 事情总是产生于谋虑,成功于努力,失败于骄傲轻心。不谋虑则不能产生,不努力则不能成功,不骄傲轻心则不致失败;所以说,通过市场,可以通晓社会的治乱,可以通晓物资的多寡,只是不能通过它创造物资的多寡而已。掌握起来,也是有规律的。
【英译】Now production materializes through planning, succeeds through diligent attention, but fails through negligence. Without planning it will never materialize, without diligent attention it will never succeed. Unless there is negligence, there will be no failure. Therefore it is said that the marketplace may know order or disorder, abundance or scarcity. However, it is incapable of bringing about abundance or scarcity on its own. There is a proper way to manage markets and production.

