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发布时间:2020-07-02 09:45:50


                  管必红、【刘向】、【Allyn Rickett】


                   以人为本 本理则国固



【英译】 Now, a lord protector or king begins by taking people as basic. If its base is in good order, the state will be secure; if it is in disorder, the state will be endangered. Therefore, if the sovereign is clear-sighted, subordinate officials will be respectful. If the government is evenhanded, people will be at ease. If the instruction of the knights is appropriate, the armed forces will vanquish the enemy. If these things can be effected, all undertakings will be well ordered. If the sovereign takes as his close associates those who are humane, he will never be endangered. If he employs the worthy, the feudal lords will be submissive.



               礼义廉耻 治国根本

【原文】 凡牧民者,欲民之修小礼、行小义、饰小廉、谨小耻、禁微邪、此厉民之道也。民之修小礼、行小义、饰小廉、谨小耻、禁微邪、治之本也。 《权修》

【汉解】  凡治理人民,要求人民谨小礼、行小义、修小廉、饬小耻、禁止小的坏事,这都是训练人民的办法。而人民能够作到谨小礼、行小义、修小廉、饬小耻并禁止小的坏事,又正是治国的根本。

【英译】Since those who shepherd the people desire them even in minor matters to be meticulous in observing propriety, practicing righteousness, cultivating integrity, and displaying a sense of shame, they must prohibit even the slightest beginning of evil. Such is the way to discipline the people. When the people, even in minor matters, are meticulous in observing propriety, practicing righteousness, cultivating integrity, and displaying a sense of shame, and even the slightest beginning of evil are prohibited, such is the basis of good order.


                        国有四维  四维绝则灭

【原文】 国有四维,一维绝则倾,二维绝则危,三维绝则覆,四维绝则灭。倾可正也,危可安也,覆可起也,灭不可复错也。《牧民》

【汉解】 国有四维,缺了一维,国家就倾斜;缺了两维,国家就危险;缺了三维,国家就颠覆;缺了四维,国家就会灭亡。倾斜可以扶正,危险可以挽救,倾覆可以再起,只有灭亡了,那就不可收拾了。

【英译】 The state has  four cardinal virtues. If one is eliminated, the state will totter. If two , it will be in danger. If three, it will be overthrown. If all four are eliminated, it will be totally destroyed. What totters may be set straight. What is endangered may be made safe. What has been overthrown may be reestablished. But, what has been totally destroyed can never be restored.



                        四维不张 国乃灭亡



【英译】 If you do not honor the spirits, Crude common folk will not believe in them. If you do not respect the gods of the mountains and rivers, Orders intended to inspire awe will go unheeded. If you do not revere your ancestral temples, The people will copy their superior‘s example. If you do not venerate your ancestors and great men of the past, Filial piety and respect for elders will suffer. If the four cardinal virtues do not prevail, he state will perish.



                     何谓四维 礼义廉耻



【英译】What are these four cardinal virtues? The first is propriety,  the second is righteousness, the third is integrity, and the fourth is a sense of shame. Propriety consists in not overstepping the bounds of proper restraint. Righteousness consists in not pushing oneself forward at the expense of others. Integrity consists in not concealing one’s faults. Having a sense of shame consists in not following those who go awry. Therefore if no one oversteps  the bounds of proper restraint, the position of the sovereign will be safe. If no one pushes himself forward, the people will be free of artfulness and deceit. If no one follows those who go awry, evil practices will not arise.


                           守国之度 在饰四维



【英译】Therefore the essential component in reducing punishments is to prohibit luxury and artfulness. The primary measure for preserving the state is to promote the four cardinal virtues. The basic precepts for achieving obedience among the people are: to honor the spirits, respect the mountain and river gods, reserve the ancestral temples, and venerate ancestors and great men of the past.







【英译】All those who posses territory and shepherd people must pay heed to the four seasons and watch over granaries. If the state has an abundance of wealth, people will come from afar. If the land has been opened for cultivation, They will settle down. When the granaries are full, they will know propriety and moderation. When their clothing and food is adequate, They will know the distinction between honor and shame. If those on high exercises proper measure in dress and expenditure, The six relationships will be secure. If the four cardinal virtues prevail, the prince’s orders will be carried out.









【英译】Success in government lies in following the hearts of the people. Failure lies in opposing them. The people hate trouble and toil, so the prince should provide them with leisure and freedom from care. The people hate poverty and low position, so the prince should provide them with riches and honor. The people hate danger and disaster, so the prince should insure their exsistence and provide them with security. The people hate death and annihilation, so the prince should enable them to live and propagate.


                  人故相憎也 人之心悍



【英译】Men in ancient times were hostile to each other, and their hearts were cruel. Therefore laws were made for them. Laws emanated from rules of propriety, and these in turn from the requirements for good order. Good order and customary rules of behavior constitute the moral way. All beginnings await the security that comes when good order and the rules of propriety prevail.


             凡国之亡也 以其长者也


【汉解】凡国家的败亡,找原因往往在它的长处;人的自我失误,也往往因其所长。所以,善于游泳者死于梁地,善于射猎者常死在荒野之中。生命从属于粮食,言辞从属于实事。…  众胜寡,快胜慢,勇胜怯,智胜愚,善胜恶,有义胜无义,有天道胜无天道。凡此七个胜利条件贵在有其多数,而终身运用就将具备其多数了。

【英译】The demise of states and the defeat of individuals stem from their strengths. Therefore, those who are skilled in swimming die in dammed up ponds. Those who are killed in shooting die in fields. Life depends on having food to eat. Good government depends on managing affairs. The many will be victorious over the few, the speedy over the slow, the brave over the cowardly, the wise over the stupid, the good over the bad, those who practice righteousness over those who do not, and those who follow the way of Heaven over those who do not. When all seven of these victories are appreciated and brought together a great many people will be able to live out their full lives.


          予之为取者 政之宝也


【汉解】刑罚繁重而人心不惧,法令就无法推行了;杀戮多行而人心不服,为君者的地位就危险了。因此,满足上述四种人民的愿望,疏远的自会亲近;强行上述四种人民厌恶的事情,亲近的也会叛离。由此可知,“予之于民就是取之于民” 这个原则,是治国的法宝。

【英译】Therefore punishment alone is not enough to terrify the minds of the people, nor is killing sufficient to make their hearts submissive. Thus, if punishments are numerous yet the minds of the people are not terrified, orders will not be carried out. If killing abounds, yet the hearts of the people are not submissive, the position the sovereign will be endangered. Therefore if the prince complies with their four desires, even those in distant places will of themselves rally around him. But if he imposes on them the four things they hate, then even those who are near at hand will turn against him. Thus knowing that “to give is to receive” is the most precious thing in government. 


    故刑罚不足以畏其意 杀戮不足以服其心



【英译】If the people can provide them with leisure and freedom from care, the people will be willing to endure trouble and toil for him. If he can provide them with riches and honor, they will be willing to endure poverty and low position for him. If he can ensure their existence and provide them with security , they will be willing to endure danger and disaster for him. If he enable them to live and propagate, they will be willing to endure death and annihilation for him.




【英译】 Rear your people in accordance with the Way. Nurture them with the Power. If reared in accordance with the Way, the people may be harmonized. If nurtured with the Power, the people may be united. Since they are harmonious and united, they can live on intimate terms. Since they live on intimate terms, they can cooperate. Since they live in complete cooperation and on such intimate terms, no one can harm them.

                       时至则为 过则去






【英译】They must be good at investigating the situation and never letting it get out of hand. They must be quick to change without being fickle. When the proper time arrive, they must act; when it is past, they must let go. The policies suitable for a specific reign can never be foreseen in advance.



                  上下不和 虽安必危


【原文】 道往者,其人莫来;道来者,其人莫往。道之所设,身之化也。持满者与天,安危者与人。失天之度,虽满必涸;上下不和,虽安必危。欲王天下,而失天之道,天下不可得而王也。得天之道,其事若自然;失天之道,虽立不安。 《形势》


【汉解】 失道者,人民不肯来投;得道者,人民不肯离去。道之所在,自身就应该与之同化。’凡是始终保持强盛的,就因为顺从天道;凡是能安危存亡的,就因为顺从人心。违背天的法则,虽然暂时丰满,最终必然枯竭;上下不和,虽然暂时安定,最终也必然危亡。


【英译】When the way has left the ruler, no one will come to him. When the way has come to the ruler, no one will leave him. The way brings about the transformation of the self. Maintaining fullness has to do with Heaven. Alleviating danger has to do with men. If the ruler disregards limits or dained by Heaven. Even though his country be full to overflowing, it will certainly dry up. If harmony is lacking between the throne and those below. Even though the ruler may feel secure, he will certainly encounter danger.









【英译】City and suburban walls, moats and ditches will not suffice to secure one’s defenses. Arms and physical force will not suffice to meet the enemy. Vast territory and abundant wealth will not suffice to hold the masses. Only those who adhere to the true Way are able to prepare for trouble before it arises so calamities will not occur. The trouble is not that the realm lacks ministers, but rather that there is no prince to employ them. Nor is it that it lacks wealth, but rather that no one distributes it.






【原文】 且怀且威,则君道备矣。莫乐之,则莫哀之;莫生之,则莫死之。往者不至,来者不极。 《形势》


【汉解】 一方面关怀臣民,另方面再有威严,为君之道,才算完备。君主不能使臣民安乐,臣民也就不会为君主分忧;君主不能使臣民生长繁息,臣民也就不会为君主牺牲生命。君主给予臣民的,不确实兑现;臣民对待君主,也是不会全力以赴的。


【英译】Kindly yet awe-inspiring, the way of the prince will be complete. If the prince does not give pleasure to the people, they will not grieve for him. If he does not give them life, they will not die for him. If what goes out is not adequate, what return will not be the best.







【原文】 万乘之国,兵不可以无主,土地博大,野不可以无吏,百姓殷众,官不可以无长,操民之命,朝不可以无政。 《权修》


 【汉解】 万辆兵车的大国,军队不可以没有统帅;领土广阔,农田不可以没有官吏;人口众多,官府不可无常法;掌握着人民命运,朝廷不可无政令。


【英译】In a country of ten thousand chariots, the armed forces must have a commander-in-chief. Its area being extensive, the countryside must have functionaries. Its population being large, the offices must have heads. In shaping the destiny of the people, the court must have an administrative policy.





【原文】 地博而国贫者,野不辟也,民众而兵弱者,民无取也。故末产不禁,则野不辟。赏罚不信,则民无取。野不辟,民无取,外不可以应敌,内不可以固守. 《权修》


【汉解】 地大而国家贫穷,是因为土地没有开辟;人多而兵力薄弱,是因为人民缺乏督促。所以,不禁止奢侈品的工商业,土地就不得开辟;赏罚不信实,人民就缺乏督促。土地没有开辟,人民缺乏督促,对外就不能抵御敌人,对内就不能固守国土。


【英译】If its area is extensive, yet the state remains poor, it is because the countryside has not brought under cultivation. If its population is large, yet its armed forces are weak, it is because there is nothing to motivate the people. Now, if nonessential production is not prohibited, the countryside will not be brought under cultivation. If rewards and punishments are not reliable, there will be nothing to motivate the people, the enemy cannot be challenged without nor the defenses secured within.





【原文】 地辟而国贫者,舟舆饰,台榭广也。赏罚信而兵弱者,轻用众,使民劳也。赋敛厚,则下怨上矣。民力竭,则令不行矣。下怨上,令不行,而求敌之勿谋己,不可得也。




【英译】If the land has been brought under cultivation, yet the state remains poor, it is because boats and chariots are ornate and towers and pavilions are built on a vast scale. If the rewards and punishments are reliable, yet the armed forces are weak, it is because the ruler has been careless in employing the masses and overworking his people. If exactions and levies are too heavy, his subjects will resend their sovereign. When the strength of his people has been exhausted, his orders will not be carried out. When his subjects resent their sovereign and his orders are not carried out, it is impossible to expect his enemies to refrain from scheming against him.



            天有常象 地有常形 人有常礼






【英译】Heaven has its constant representations, Earth has its constant form, and man has constant rules of propriety, which , once established, never change. These are called the three constants. Uniting them together into one is the way of the prince. Maintaining distinctions and performing his tasks is the duty of the minister. If the prince neglects his way, it will be impossible for him to possess his state. If the minister neglects his duty, it will be impossible for him to maintain his position.













【英译】When the brilliant of the prince is fully trusted, the officers are stern, the gentry above corruption, the peasants simple, and the merchants and artisans honest, the sovereign and his subjects will be as one, and the sexes will be kept separate. The people will have a basis for their existence, and the three generations will all observe the regulations.








【英译】Those who lead the way in using their minds do not participate in ordinary affairs of state. Those who are personally involved in such affairs do not determine the way in which the state is to be governed. For this reason, he who serves as the sovereign belabors his mind but not his physical strength. The hundred surnames belabor their physical strength but not their minds. When the distinctions between prince and minister, superior and inferior are fixed, rules of propriety and sumptuary regulations are established.

                  君人者制仁 臣人者守信






【英译】Those who consider matters back and forth devote themselves to management. Those who rush about devote themselves to labor. Those who devote themselves to labor are represented by squareness; those who devote themselves to management are represented by roundness. Round revolves comprehensive; harmony; square is steadfast, stable, stability and credibility. When the prince maintains harmony by extending benefits to the people and ministers maintain credibility by practicing restraint, there will be no profligacy on the part of either the sovereign or his subordinates.





【英译】Now, if people are too rich, salaries cannot be used to employ them; If they are too poor, punishments cannot be used to intimidate them. When laws and orders are not executed and the multitude is not well governed, it is because great inequality exists between rich and poor.



             尝试多怨争利 相为不逊 则不得其身 大哉




【汉解】 讲求恭逊、敬爱、谦让、除怨、无争,以互相对待,就不会失去人心。试行多怨、争利,互相不讲恭逊,则身亦难保。恭逊敬爱之道,是太伟大了。


【英译】One will never lose the support of others if one cultivates the virtues of reverence and humility, respect and love, and is politely yielding, devoid of resentment, and uncontentious when meeting them. However, if one is filled with resentment, ready to fight for any advantage, and lacking in humility, it will be difficult to protect oneself. Great indeed is the way of reverence and humility, respect and love!



                  祥于鬼者义于人 兵不义不可






【英译】When armed forces are sent forth, they will be directed against others. But when the others counterattack, they will be directed against oneself. Victory in arms is derived from suitable situations; virtue is derived from one’s self. Therefore, it is said:” Whoever is blessed by the spirits must be righteous in his conduct toward others, and the armed forces must be used in a righteous manner.” Those who are strong but arrogant, destroy their strength; those who are weak but arrogant, hasten toward death and ruin. Being strong but humble expands one’s strength. Being weak but humble keeps one from offending others.  For this reason, too much arrogance leads to humility, too much humility leads to arrogance.



             大周之先 可以奋信 大明之祖 可以代天






【英译】He is so good at keeping secrets that even those who are very perceptive cannot see. He is so perceptive that even those who are secretive cannot hide. Since his great perceptiveness can overcome any amount of secretiveness, there can be no great secretiveness on the part of his people. Since his great capacity for keeping secrets can overcome any amount of perception, there can be no great perceptiveness on the part of his people. Since, in his great capacity for keeping secrets, he is foremost, he can be quick in moving outward.  Since, in his great capacity for  being perceptive, he is first, he can represent Heaven.







【英译】It is ever so that the way to maintain good order in a state is to be certain, first of all, to make its people prosperous. When the people are prosperous, they are easy to keep in order. When the people are poor, they are difficult to keep in order.  How do we know this? If people are prosperous, they will feel content in their local districts and treat their homes as very important. If so, they will respect their sovereign and be leery of committing crimes, then, they will be easy to keep in order.  If the people are poor, they will feel threatened in their districts and treat their homes lightly, they will dare to denigrate their sovereign and violate his prohibitions. If this occurs, they will be difficult to keep in order.



              顺天之时 约地之宜 忠人之和






【英译】Spring is for humaneness, summer for loyalty, autumn for expediency, and the winter for closing down activity. Since the ruler is in accord with the seasons of Heaven, conforms to what is suitable in respect to Earth, and cherishes harmony among men, the wind and rain are seasonable, the five grains ripen, plants and trees flourish, the six domestic animals multiply, the country prospers, the armed forces are strong, the people are talented, and orders are carried out. Internally there are no troublesome political problems; externally there are no disasters



          节宫室 通车舆以实藏 则国必富 位必尊

【原文】故圣人之制事也,能节宫室、通车舆以实藏,则国必富、位必尊;能適衣服、去玩好以奉本,而用必赡、身必安矣;能移无益之事、无补之费,通币行礼,而党必多、交必亲矣。 《禁藏》


【英译】Now, since the sage in regulating his affairs is able to practice moderation in terms of palaces and prudence in terms of chariots, thereby seeing to it that his treasury remain full, his state is bound to be rich and his position honored. Since he is able to be conservative in terms of dress and dispense with idle pleasures, thereby promoting essential production, his needs are bound to be satisfied and his person safe. Since he is able to avoid meaningless activity and useless expense, thereby being in a position to present rich gifts and act in accordance with the rules of propriety, his allies are bound to be numerous and his relations with them close.



            鸟之覆卵 无形无声 而唯见其成



【英译】Those who are skilled in government control the presence of wealth so that the people are naturally content. Without pushing them, they go; without pulling them, they come. Without trouble or worry, the people enrich themselves. It is like a bird sitting on its eggs: there is neither shape nor sound, but the young suddenly appear quite complete.


           与民为一体 则是以国守国 以民守民也






【英译】The enlightened prince accords with the hearts of the people., is at ease with their nature, and proceeds from a consensus of the masses. Hence, his orders are put forth with no resistance while punishments are established but not applied. The former kings were skilled at being as one with the people. Since they were as one with their people, they relied on their state to preserve their state and their people to preserve their people.  This being so, the people would not easily commit wrongs.



        欲为天下者 必重用其国 欲为其国者 必重用其民


【原文】 欲为天下者,必重用其国,欲为其国者,必重用其民,欲为其民者,必重尽其民力。无以畜之,则往而不可止也;无以牧之,则处而不可使也;远人至而不去,则有以畜之也。民众而可一,则有以牧之也。《权修》


  【汉解】 要想治好天下,必须珍惜本国国力;想要治好国家,必须珍惜国内人民;想要治好人民,必须珍惜民力之耗尽。没有办法养活人民,人们就要外逃而不能阻止;没有办法治理人民,即使留下来也不能使用。远地的人们来而不走,是因为有效地养活了他们;人口众多而可以统一号令,是因为有效地治理了他们。


【英译】Whoever would control the entire realm must be careful how he uses his state. Whoever would control a state must be careful how he uses his people. Whoever would control his people must be careful how he uses their strength. If there is no way to feed them, they cannot be prevented from running away. If there is no way to shepherd them, they may remain at home, but cannot be employed. When people come from afar and do not leave, it is because there is a way to feed them. When they are numerous yet can be united, it is because there is the way to shepherd them.




        厚爱利 足以亲 明智礼 足以教


【原文】 厚爱利,足以亲之。明智礼,足以教之。上身服以先之。审度量以闲之。乡置师以说道之,然后申之以宪令,劝之以庆赏,振之以刑罚,故百姓皆说为善,则暴乱之行无由至矣。 《权修》


【汉解】 君主能够付出厚爱和厚利,就可以亲近人民,申明知识相礼节,就可以教育人民。要以身作则来引导人民,审定规章制度来防范人民,设置乡的官吏来指导人民。然后再用法令加以约束,用奖赏加以鼓励,用刑罚加以威慑。这样,百姓就都愿意做好事,暴乱的行为便不会发生了。

【英译】Being generous with love and benefits is sufficient to win the allegiance of the people. Manifesting wisdom and propriety is sufficient to instruct them. However, the sovereign must himself adhere to the law in order to serve as an example for them and see that there is proper measure in exactions and expenditures in order to guard against excesses. Place governors in the local districts to exhort and guide the people. Thereafter, keep them informed with laws and orders, encourage them with rewards, and overawe them with punishments. Then, since the hundred surnames will all be happy in doing good, violent and disorderly conduct will have no cause to arise.  



        积多者其食多 积寡者其食寡 无积者不食


【原文】 凡牧民者。以其所积者食之。不可不审也。其积多者其食多,其积寡者其食寡,无积者不食。或有积而不食者,则民离上;有积多而食寡者,则民不力;有积寡而食多者,则民多轴;有无积而徒食者,则民偷幸; 《权修》




【英译】Those who would shepherd the people must pay careful attention to see that stipends accord with achievements. Those whose achievements are great should be given much. Those whose achievements are few should be given less. Those who have no achievement should be given nothing. Should it happen that those who have achievements receive nothing, the people will turn away from the sovereign. Should  those whose achievements are great receive less, the people will not exert themselves. Should those whose achievements are few receive more, the people will resort to deceitfulness. Should those who have no achievements receive stipends for nothing, the people will merely trust to luck.



        察能授官 班禄赐予 使民之机


【原文】 故离上不力,多轴偷幸,举事不成,应敌不用。故曰:察能授官,班禄赐予,使民之机也。 《权修》


【汉解】 凡是离心离德、工作不力、弄虚作假、贪图侥幸的,举办大事不会成功,对敌作战也不会尽力。所以说,根据人的能力授予官职,按照劳绩差别赐予禄赏,这是用人的关键.


【英译】Now if the people turn away from the sovereign, do not exert themselves, resort to deceitfulness, or merely trust to luck, they will neither complete their sovereign’s undertakings nor be of any use in opposing the enemy. Therefore it is said: “Investigate ability when bestowing offices; graduate the salaries when making awards. Such is the crucial factor when employing the people.





【原文】 地之守在城,城之守在兵,兵之守在人,人之守在粟;故地不辟,则城不固。有身不治,奚待于人?有人不治,奚待于家?有家不治,奚待于乡?有乡不治,奚待于国?有国不治,奚待于天下? 《权修》


【汉解】 国土的保障在于城池,城池的保障在于军队,军队的保障在于人民,而人民的保障在于粮食。因此,土地不开辟,就会造成城池不巩固。君主不能治理自身。怎么能治理别人?不能治人,怎能治家?不能治家,怎能治乡?不能治乡,怎能治国?不能治国,怎能治理天下?


【英译】The preservation of territory depends on walls; the preservation of walls depends on arms. The preservation of arms depends on men, and the preservation of men depends on grain.  Therefore, unless a territory is brought under cultivation, its walls will not be secure. Accordingly, if the sovereign does not appreciate what is essential, nonessential production will not be prohibited. If it is not prohibited, the people will neglect their seasonal work and treat lightly the benefits of Earth. If they treat lightly the benefits of Earth, it is impossible to expect the fields to be cultivated and the granaries to be full.




               此三本者 治乱之原





【英译】The prince should be concerned about three things: The first is that a man’s virtue is not equal to his position. The second is that his achievement is not equal to his salary. The third is that his ability is not equal to his office. These three fundamental areas of concern are a source of order or disorder.  



             四务者 安危之本也


【原文】 君之所慎者四:一曰大德不至仁,不可以授国柄。二曰见贤不能让,不可与尊位。三曰罚避亲贵,不可使主兵。四曰不好本事,不务地利,而轻赋敛,不可与都邑。此四务者,安危之本也。 《立政》


【汉解】 君主要谨慎对待的问题有四个:一是对于提倡道德而不真正做到仁的人,不可以授予国家大权;二是对于见到贤能而不让的人,不可以授予尊高爵位;三是对于掌握刑罚而躲避亲贵的人,不可以让他统帅军队;四是对于那种不重视农业,不注重地利,而轻易课取赋税的人,不可以让他做都邑的官。这四条巩固国家的原则是国家安危的根本。
【英译】The prince should exercise caution in regard to four things: The first is that those who have great charismatic power but are deficient in terms of basic goodness should not be given control of the state. The second is that those who on seeing worthiness are unable to yield to it should not be given positions of honor. The third is that those who avoid punishing their relatives and men of high rank should not be commissioned to lead the armed forces. The fourth is that those who neither appreciate essential production nor pay heed to the benefits of Earth, and at the same time treat lightly the imposition of levies and exactions upon the people should not be assigned to administer cities and towns. These four security measures are basic to the question of safety or danger.



        王者藏于民 霸者藏于大夫 残国亡家藏于箧






【英译】True kings entrust their wealth to their people, lord protectors entrust theirs to great officers, while decrepit states and families doomed to perish entrust theirs to a money chest.



            处虚守静 人物则皇






【英译】Those who dwelt in emptiness, preserved quiescence, and were in perfect accord with all men and things became sovereigns. Those who adhered to the constant standards, perfected their commands, honored the worthy, and bestowed ranks and salaries on the virtuous became emperors. Those who embodied goodness, practiced righteousness, gained the adherence of the loyal, and employed the trustworthy became kings. Those who examined stratagems, made clear the rules of propriety, selected knights, and sharpened their weapons became lord protectors.



              定生处死 谨贤修伍 则众






【英译】Those who were able to give security to the living, find a resting place for the dead, take care of the worthy, and form the groups of five gained a large population. Those who were trustworthy in issuing rewards, were discriminating in exacting punishments, gave ranks to the talented and salaries to the able became strong. Those who kept a record of all expenditures and tallied the results, paid attention to essential production, and regulated that which was nonessential became prosperous. Those who made the laws clear, examined the estimates of their officials, set up constant standards, and prepared men of ability achieved a well-ordered government. Those who allotted the offices in accordance with similarities or differences in affairs became secure.








【英译】There should be virtuous civil officials and aweinspiring military officials. Training of officials is a necessity for victory. Timing is the ultimate factor in victory. Flexibility is the secret of victory. The practice of righteousness is the principle of victory. Making names accord with reality is a vital concern for victory. Timely division is the business of victory. Investigation to be attacked is the prerequisite activity for victory. Being complete in preparations is the origin of victory. Inscrutability is the basis for victory. To be victorious: Be alone in your awesomeness; calculate your resources; ascertain; selection of your knights; regulate salaries; direction of your expenditures; guiding principles; life and death, success and failure; conformity and nonconformity; reality and emptiness; growth and decay.


                行若风雨 发如雷电






【英译】Be certain to set up a permanent commander. Be certain that detailed plans are prepared beforehand. Seek for the finest materials in the world. Examine the sharp weapons of the various artisans. When the weapons have been completed, distinguish the bad from the good through competitive trials. Collect the martial heroes of the world. Gain possession of the recognized talent in the world. Move like the wind and rain. Deploy your forces like thunder and lightning.

               强国为圈 弱国为属


【原文】 合内空周外。强国为圈,弱国为属。动而无不从,静而无不同。举发以礼,时礼必得。和好不基。贵贱无司,事变日至。《幼官》




【英译】Unite the people at home and bring those abroad within your orbit. The strong countries will become like members of your family while weak ones will become dependencies. When you move, no one will fail to follow; when you remain still, no one will fail to do the same. Initiate undertakings and issue orders in accordance with the rules of propriety. Then timeliness and propriety will certainly be achieved. Be harmonious and agreeable and refrain from perniciousness. Then the honored and lowly will not engage in litigations. If these are down, the fluctuations in seasonal affairs will occur on the proper day.



              旗物尚青 兵尚矛 刑则交寒害釱


【原文】旗物尚青,兵尚矛。刑则交寒害釱。器成不守,经不知。教习不著,发不意。经不知,故莫之能圉。发不意,故莫之能应。莫之能应,故全胜而无害。莫之能圉,故必胜而无敌。 《幼官》



【英译】Their weapons may be ready but the enemy will be defenseless because your passage will not be known until too late. Their instructions may be practiced but their effectiveness will not be manifested because your onslaught will be unanticipated. Since your passage will not be known, no one will be able to stop you. Since you are onslaught is unanticipated, no one will be able to meet it.  Since no one will be  able to meet it, you will not be completely victorious without any harm to yourself. Since no one will be able to stop you, you will certainly be victorious and unrivaled in battle.


                  始乎无端 卒乎无穷






【英译】Begin in the limitless. End in the inexhaustible. Beginning in the limitless refers to the Way; ending in the inexhaustible refers to the Power. The Way cannot be measured; the Power cannot be calculated. Since the Way cannot be measured, neither the numerous nor strong can plot against the one who clearly perceives it. Since the Power cannot be calculated, neither the false nor deceitful will dare approach the one who comprehends it. When these two have been applied throughout, there will be achievement in both movement and rest.


             民之所利立之 所害除之 则民人从






【英译】The best way to employ arms is not by demanding the enemy’s territory but by applying punishments to their prince alone. Institute righteousness and apply it in your victories. Maximize your prestige and make it real by exercising benevolence. Observe these two and afterward you will conquer the minds of the enemy and encompass all within the seas.



               得人之道 莫如利之






【英译】The ways of winning the hearts of men, nothing is as good as benefiting them. Among the ways of benefiting them, nothing is as good as teaching them. Therefore, the sovereign who is skilled in conducting his government has well-developed fields and his capital city and towns are well populated. His court is calm and his offices well run. Public laws are carried out while individual crookedness is prevented. The granaries are full and the jails empty. Worthy men come forward, while wicked people retreat.











【英译】Once the people are certain to know the meaning of righteous conduct, they will become honest and correct, and having become honest and correct, they will be harmonious. Since they are harmonious, the prince can be secure when at rest. Once he is secure when at rest, he can be awesome in action. Since he is awesome in action, he can be victorious in battle and firm in defense. Therefore it is said:” Righteous conduct must be practiced.”



                  爱之利之 益之安之






【英译】Love them, benefit them, make them prosper, and make them secure. These four emanate from the way of good government. The former emperors and kings used it and so the realm became well governed. The former emperors and kings took care when establishing priorities. Since they gave precedence to people and land, they were successful. If they had given precedence to honor and pride, they would have failed.

                既时且义 故能得天与人






【英译】The former kings did not restrain people by treaties or bind then through oaths. They released those restrained by treaties and dissolved the bonds of those bound by oaths. Therefore, when people attached themselves to them, it was not because of restraints or bonds. The former kings also did not engage in the exchange of gifts or carve up territory to grant fiefs in order to maintain control over the realm. However, the realms were inviolable and so the whip could be used to enforce them. Thus whether it be the seasons of Heaven or the benefits of Earth, generation after generation took advantage of them. Those who are timely obtain of Heaven; those who are just obtain the loyalty of men.  Being both timely and just, the former kings were able to obtain the rewards of Heaven and the loyalty of men.



               凡国之亡也 以其长者也




【汉解】凡国家的败亡,找原因往往在它的长处;人的自我失误,也往往因其所长。所以,善于游泳者死于梁地,善于射猎者常死在荒野之中。生命从属于粮食,言辞从属于实事。…  众胜寡,快胜慢,勇胜怯,智胜愚,善胜恶,有义胜无义,有天道胜无天道。凡此七个胜利条件贵在有其多数,而终身运用就将具备其多数了。


【英译】The demise of states and the defeat of individuals stem from their strengths. Therefore, those who are skilled in swimming die in dammed up ponds. Those who are killed in shooting die in fields. Life depends on having food to eat. Good government depends on managing affairs. The many will be victorious over the few, the speedy over the slow, the brave over the cowardly, the wise over the stupid, the good over the bad, those who practice righteousness over those who do not, and those who follow the way of Heaven over those who do not. When all seven of these victories are appreciated and brought together,  a great many people will be able to live out their full lives.




                   远者以礼 近者以体






【英译】The former kings gained control over distant peoples of the realm by using the rules of propriety. For those close at hand, they relied on personal contact. Personal contact and the rules of propriety were the means by which they gained control over the realm. “Far” and “near” were the means by which they differentiated forms of intercourse.



                   凡君国之重器 莫重于令






【英译】Of all the important instruments for ruling a state, none is more important than orders. If orders are treated as important, the prince will be honored. If he is honored, the state will be safe. If the orders are treated lightly, the prince will be scorned. If he is scorned, the state will be endangered. Therefore, ensuring the safety of the state depends on the prince being honored, and such honor depends on having his orders carried out. Having his orders carried out depends on his being strict in regard to punishments. If his punishments are strictly applied and his orders are carried out, the various functionaries will all be fearful of punishment. If punishments are not strictly applied and the orders are not carried out, the various functionaries will all be delighted.



              三者见一 则敌国制之






【英译】If the court does not value ministers who adhere to constant standards, specious attendants will gain entrance, those with no accomplishments will falsely obtain salaries, the depraved and wicked will be able to do as they please, and the incompetent will move upward. If the state does not support customary practices that adhere to constant standards, ministers and subordinates will not be obedient and the orders of the sovereign will be difficult to carry out. If the people do not pay attention to production that adhere to constant standards, granaries will be empty and necessities in short supply….If one of these three conditions appears, enemy countries will be in control.



        国不虚重 兵不虚胜 民不虚用 令不虚行






【英译】Now,a state must not be ineffectual in establishing its importance in the world, its armed forces must not be ineffectual in seeking victories, its people must not be ineffectually employed, and orders must not be ineffectually carried out. The importance of the state inevitably depends on victories by its armed forces. Victories by its armed forces inevitably depends on the employment of its people inevitably depends on orders being carried out. The carrying out of its orders inevitably depends on establishing their precedence over intimates of the prince.


          地大国富 人众兵强 此霸王之本






【英译】Extensive territory, a wealthy state, a large population, and powerful armed forces, these are the basis for becoming a lord protector or a king. However, they will also bring the prince close to danger and destruction. The way of Heaven has its course; the minds of men are subject to change. It is the course of Heaven’s way to reach the extreme and then revert, to reach the full and then decline. The change in men’s minds is to become arrogant when achieving too much, when there is arrogance, there is negligence.








【英译】There were always three instruments with which the former kings governed the state and six evils that attacked and harmed it. What are the three instruments? Commands and orders, battle-axes , and halberds, salaries and rewards. What were the six attacks? Having favorites, awarding honors, bribes, beautiful women, clever sycophants, and indulgence in pleasure.



                 远近一心 则众寡同力






【英译】Such being the case, the near and far were of one mind. Being of one mind, the many and the few cooperated in their efforts. Cooperating in their efforts, they were certain to be victorious in battle and the defenses were certain to be secure. This was not annex and plunder, but to provide government for the entire realm. This is the way to bring order to the realm.









【英译】Be defeated by: To hear of worthiness and not elevate ;  To hear of excellence and not seek after; To see ability and not employ; To become intimate with men and not remain firm of purpose; To agree on a plan and then diverge; To make threats against others and not be able to implement them; To dismiss a person and then reinstate him; To fail to act when there is an opportunity to do so; To have plenty and refuse to share it; To have secret plans and not treat them discreetly.  



                   三欲不节 则上位危


【原文】 君有三欲于民,三欲不节,则上位危。三欲者何也?一曰求,二曰禁,三曰令。求必欲得,禁必欲止,令必欲行。求多者,其得寡;禁多者,其止寡;令多者,其行寡。求而不得,则威日损;禁而不止,则刑罚侮;令而不行,则下凌上。 《法法》


【汉解】 君主对人民有三项要求,三项要求不节制,君主地位就危险。三项要求是什么呢?一是索取,二是禁阻,三是命令。索取总是希望得到,禁阻总是希望制止,命令总是希望推行。但索取太多,所得到的反而少;禁阻太多,所制止的反而少;命令太多,所推行的反而少。索取而不得,威信就日益降低;禁阻而不止,刑罚将受到轻视;命令而不行,下面就欺凌君上。


【英译】The prince desires three things from his people, but if these desires are not kept within bounds, his position on high will be endangered. What are these three? The first pertains to what he seeks, the second to what he prohibits, and the third to what he orders. He certainly desires to gain what he seeks. He certainly desires to have stopped what he prohibits. He certainly desires to have carried out what he orders. If he seeks too much, little will be gained. If he prohibits too much, little will be stopped. If he orders too much, little will be carried out. If what he seeks is not gained, his prestiges will daily decrease. If what he prohibits is not stopped, the punishments will be ridiculed. If what he orders is not carried out, his subjects will have humiliated the sovereign.


             四者备体 则胥足上尊时而王不难矣


【原文】 君子食于道,则上尊而民顺;小人食于力,则财厚而养足。上尊而民顺,财厚而养足,四者备体,则胥足上尊时而王不难矣。《法法》




【英译】When  men of quality are paid in accordance with their adherence to the moral way, the sovereign is honored and the people submissive. When ordinary men are paid in accordance with their physical effort, wealth becomes abundant and nourishment adequate. When these four conditions have been fulfilled---the sovereign honored, the people submissive, wealth abundant, and nourishment adequate, then by awaiting the proper opportunity, it is easy to become king.



                 令已布而罚不及 则是教民不听


【原文】 令已布而罚不及,则是教民不听。民不听,则强者立;强者立,则主位危矣。故曰:宪律制度必法道,号令必著明,赏罚必信密,此正民之经也。《法法》




【英译】If the orders have already been issued but punishments are not meted out to those who disregard them, the people are taught to be disobedient. If the people are disobedient, the strong establish themselves in power. If the strong establish themselves, the position of the ruler will be endangered. Therefore, it is said:”Legal statutes, regulations, and procedures must be patterned on the moral way. The orders must be publicized and made clear, and the rewards and punishments must be made reliable and absolute.” These are the standards for bringing order to people.







【汉解】 政令重于宝物,政权先于至亲,法度重于人民,威权重于爵禄。所以,不可为重宝而看轻政令,不可为至亲而把国家政权放在后面,不能为爱民而歪曲法律,不能为爵禄而分让权威。所以说:权势是不能给予他人的。


【英译】 Orders are more precious than jewels. The altars to Land and Grain take precedence over family relations. The laws are more important than the people. Prestige and power are more to be valued than ranks and salaries. Thus, do not disregard orders because of precious jewels. Do not consider your altars to Land and Grain secondary because of family relations. Do not twist laws and statutes because of love for the people. Do not share your prestige and power because of ranks and salaries. Therefore it is said:”Your position of authority is not something to be granted to others. 



             强国众 先举者危 后举者利






【英译】Now, the divine sage looks at the condition of the realm and knows whether it is a time to be active or quiescent. He looks at the consequences of events and knows whether they represent the door to disaster or prosperity. If strong states are numerous, whoever takes the initiative will be in danger, while those who lag behind will reap the benefits. When strong states are few, whoever takes the initiative will become king, while those who lag behind will be lost. When warring states are numerous, whoever lags behind may become lord protector. When warring states are few, whoever takes the initiative may become king.



               伐逆不伐顺 伐险不伐易






【英译】attack only those who opposed them and not those who were obedient; only those who posed a threat and not those who were compliant; only those who went to excess and not those who merely failed to come up to standard. Within the four boundaries, using political power to summon them. For those who were near at hand but refuse to submit, relied on seizure of their territory to make them suffer. For those who were far removed and disobedient, relied on punishments to threaten them. When the feudal lords were two-faced, the former kings responded in a military way by attacking them. When the feudal lords were submissive, the former kings responded in a civil way by leaving them alone. Both their military and civil responses were completely virtuous.  


                抟国不在敦古 理世不在善攻 霸王不在成曲






【英译】Now, control of a state does not lie merely in paying respect to tradition. Bringing order to a generation does not lie merely in being skilled in attack. Becoming a lord protector or king does not lie merely in perfecting regulations. Indeed, should their ventures fail, their states will be endangered. If their punishments are excessive, their political power will be toppled. If their stratagems are carelessly contrived, disasters will result. However, if their calculations are accurate, their strength will be reliable. If their achievements are real, fame will follow. If their political power is taken seriously, their orders will be carried out. Such is the grand scheme for ensuring security.



               夫争强之国 必先争谋 争刑 争权






【英译】Now, states that struggle to be stronger than others must first struggle in terms of stratagems, conditions and political power. Stratagems are what cause a ruler to be liked one moment and hated another. Conditions are what cause him to be taken lightly one moment and seriously another. Political power is what causes his armed forces to advance one moment and retreat another. Therefore, if he pays full attention to stratagems, his desires may be realized and his orders carried out. If he pays full attention to conditions, the territory of large countries may be seized and the armed forces of strong states contained.





【汉解】 人数的多少,士兵的精粗,武器的优劣,都应全部了解,这便是所谓“知形”。知形不如“知能”,知能不如“知意”。所以,用兵一定要具备三个条件。君主明、宰相智、将帅能,就叫作三个条件具备


【英译】They must know thoroughly the number of men, the bearing of their knights, and the quality of their weapons. This is to know the outward condition of the troops. To know their outward condition is not as good as knowing their ability, and knowing their ability is not as good as knowing their thoughts. Therefore three factors are necessary to command troops, namely, the intelligence of the ruler, the knowledge of his chief ministers, and the capacity of his generals.



            兵者尊主安国之经 不可废也






【英译】Nothing is more important than the armed forces in determining whether a prince is despised or respected or whether his country is safe or endangered. The reason for this is that when punishing an aggressor state, it is necessary to use armed forces. When restraining perverse people, it is necessary to apply punishments. Thus the armed forces are used externally to punish aggression and internally to restrain wickedness. Therefore armed forces are the primary factor in ensuring respect for the ruler and the safety of the state. They are indispensable.








【英译】Maintaining order is the way to prosperity, Prosperity is the way to strength, Strength is the way to victory, Victory is the way to rule. For this reason there are weapons for maintaining order within the state, enterprises for making a state prosperous, stratagems for making a state strong, principles for making a state victorious, and the assignment of responsibilities for ruling the realm.


                      予之为取者 政之宝也




【汉解】刑罚繁重而人心不惧,法令就无法推行了;杀戮多行而人心不服,为君者的地位就危险了。因此,满足上述四种人民的愿望,疏远的自会亲近;强行上述四种人民厌恶的事情,亲近的也会叛离。由此可知,“予之于民就是取之于民” 这个原则,是治国的法宝。


【英译】Therefore punishment alone is not enough to terrify the minds of the people, nor is killing sufficient to make their hearts submissive. Thus, if punishments are numerous yet the minds of the people are not terrified, orders will not be carried out. If killing abounds, yet the hearts of the people are not submissive, the position the sovereign will be endangered. Therefore if the prince complies with their four desires, even those in distant places will of themselves rally around him. But if he imposes on them the four things they hate, then even those who are near at hand will turn against him. Thus knowing that “to give is to receive” is the most precious thing in government.   

                  能佚乐之 则民为之忧劳






【英译】If the people can provide them with leisure and freedom from care, the people will be willing to endure trouble and toil for him. If he can provide them with riches and honor, they will be willing to endure poverty and low position for him. If he can ensure their existence and provide them with securities, they will be willing to endure danger and disaster for him. If he enables them to live and propagate, they will be willing to endure death and annihilation for him.







【英译】Those who are skilled in utilizing their country’s resources act as if they were sailing a boat across the ocean and watch for the source of the wind. If prices in the rest of the empire are high, they raise theirs; if they are low, they lower theirs. If the rest of the empire maintains high prices while ours are kept low, those people will strip away our resources and benefits. 




【英译】If you do not pay heed to the seasons of Heaven, wealth will not be produced. If you do not pay heed to the fruits of Earth, the granaries will not be full. If the wastelands are left wild and uncleared, The people will run about unrestrained. If those on high lack proper restraint, The people will behave recklessly. If the luxury and artfulness are not prohibited, The people will become licentious. If you do not keep the source of these two evils in check, Punishments will proliferate.





【英译】Therefore he who understands the times may be appointed head of an office. He who shows no partiality may be placed in charge of administration. He who examines the times, finds out what is applicable to them, and so is able fill his offices with men of ability, may be elevated as a prince. He who procrastinates will be too late in his undertakings. He who is stingy with wealth will lose those close to him. He who trusts petty men will lose gentlemen of worth.


【原文】 天道之极,远者自亲。人事之起,近亲造怨。万物之于人也,无私近也,无私远也;巧者有余,而拙者不足;其功顺天者天助之,其功逆天者天违之;天之所助,虽小必大;天之所违,虽成必败;顺天者有其功,逆天者怀其兇,不可复振也。 《形势》

【汉解】 顺天道去做,远者都会来亲近;事起于人为,近亲也要怨恨。万物之于人,是没有远近亲疏之分的。高明的人用起来就有余,愚笨的人用起来就不足。顺乎天道去做,天就帮助他;反乎天道去做,天就违背他。天之所助,弱小可以变得强大;天之所弃,成功可以变为失败。顺应天道的可以得其成效,违背天道的就要招致灾祸,且无可挽救。 。

【英译】When the way of Heaven is fulfilled, even those who are far off will of themselves seek close relationships with the ruler. But when the selfish affairs of men arise, even close relatives will harbor resentments. The myriad creatures, in their relationship to men, are equally impartial toward those near at hand and those far away. The clever will have a superabundance of things while the stupid will never have enough. Heaven will assist those whose efforts accord with it and oppose those whose efforts are contrary to it. Whatever Heaven  assist, even though small at first, is certain to become large. Whatever Heaven opposes, even though successful at first, is certain to fail. Those who accord with Heaven will retain their achievements. Those who act contrary to Heaven will embrace misfortune and cannot be saved. 


                 凡治国之道 必先富民



【英译】It is ever so that the way to maintain good order in a state is to be certain, first of all, to make its people prosperous. When the people are prosperous, they are easy to keep in order. When the people are poor, they are difficult to keep in order.  How do we know this? If people are prosperous, they will feel content in their local districts and treat their homes as very important. If so, they will respect their sovereign and be leery of committing crimes, then, they will be easy to keep in order.  If the people are poor, they will feel threatened in their districts and treat their homes lightly, they will dare to denigrate their sovereign and violate his prohibitions. If this occurs, they will be difficult to keep in order.




【英译】 When people serve in agriculture, fields will be well cultivated. If fields are well cultivated, grain will become plentiful. If grain is plentiful, the state will prosper. If the state prospers, its armed forces will be strong. If the armed forces are strong, they will be victorious in battle. If they are victorious in battle, the state’s territory will expand. For this reason the former kings knew that having a large population, strong armed forces, extensive territory, and a prosperous state were certain to depend on grain.  




【英译】 The rulers of states that do not produce grain are lost. Those who produce grain but use it up become lord protectors. Those who produce grain and do not use it up become kings. Grain is what brings people, wealth, and territory. If grain is plentiful, the goods of the world will all arrive.


               凡牧民者 必知其疾



【英译】 Whoever shepherds the people, must always be aware of their suffering, express his concern by being benevolent, and avoid terrifying them with punishments or restraining them with excessive force. If you pay attention to these four, it will be sufficient to maintain good order among the people.


【原文】所谓问疾者,凡国、都皆有掌病,士人有病者,掌病以上令问之。九十以上,日一问;八十以上,二日一问;七十以上,三日一问;众庶五日一问。疾甚者,以告上,身问之。《入国》 【汉解】所谓问病,就是在城市、国都要设有“掌病”的官,士民有病的,“掌病”以君主旨意慰问:九十岁以上的,每天一问;八十以上的,两天一问;七十以上,三天一问;一般病人,五天一问。病重者,向上报告,君主亲身慰问。

【英译】 Inquiring after the sick means that in the capital and all administrative centers there are officials charged with looking after the sick. When soldiers and people in general become ill, officials charged with looking after the sick shall, in accordance with orders from the sovereign, inquire after them. In the case of those who are over ninety, this inquiry shall take place once every day. For those who are over eighty, it shall take place once every two days,  and for those who are over seventy, it shall take place every three days. For ordinary people it shall take place once every five days. If the illness is very severe, it shall be reported to the sovereign who shall personally conduct his own inquiries.




【英译】 In general the five grains determine the value of all other things. Should grain be expensive, other things will be cheap; should grain be cheap, other things will be expensive. When the two vie with each other there can be no stability.

             顺天之时 约地之宜 忠人之和          



【英译】Spring is for humaneness, summer for loyalty, autumn for expediency, and the winter for closing down activity. Since the ruler is in accord with the seasons of Heaven, conforms to what is suitable in respect to Earth, and cherishes harmony among men, the wind and rain are seasonable, the five grains ripen, plants and trees flourish, the six domestic animals multiply, the country prospers, the armed forces are strong, the people are talented, and orders are carried out. Internally there are no troublesome political problems; externally there are no disasters created by strong enemies.

            先兴利 后除害



【英译】First, extend your love to everyone within your four boundaries. Then afterward you can exact your hatred against those evil persons who live outside your borders. First, stabilize the families of your minister of state and great officers. Then afterward you may threaten neighboring enemy countries. It was for this reason that the former kings were certain to set something up before they proceeded to tear anything down. It was also for this reason that they were certain to do something beneficial before proceeding to do harm.


           非其所欲 勿施于人



【英译】If you are trustworthy, the people will believe in you. If you are humane, they will cherish you. If you are majestic in your deportment, they will stand in awe of you. If you posses rules of propriety, they will praise you. According to old saying, to give up one’s life rather than to violate a promise is what is meant by trustworthiness. Never to inflict on others what one would not wish for one’s self is what is meant by humaneness. To be firm within while outwardly correct is what is meant by being majestic in one’s deportment. To be completely trustworthy and self-effacing is what is meant by having rules of propriety.


            厚民生 审知祸福之所生



【英译】In ancient times, the sage kings treated the livelihood of the people as fundamental and carefully studied the causes of disaster and prosperity. For this reason, they treated minor details with care and distinguished right from wrong in order to get the root of matters. Hence people prone to reckless, evil, and deceitful behavior dared not attempt it. This is the way to institute propriety and rectify the people.


          见利不诱 见害不惧【原文】大心而敢,宽气而广,其形安而不移,能守一而弃万苛,见利不诱,见害不俱,宽舒而仁,独乐其身,是谓云气,意行似天。《内业》


【英译】Expand your mind, and you will feel release. Deepen your breathing, and you will feel relaxed. Your form will be at ease and never restless. You will be able to focus your power of awareness, and dispose of the myriad minor irritations. On seeing profit, you will not be enticed. On seeing harm, you will not be frightened. Being relaxed and humane, you will find happiness within yourself. This is called setting in motion the vital force so that your awareness and action become like Heaven.


       饱则疾动 饥则广思 老则长虑



【英译】With excessive gorging, the breath will be harmed and the form will be unable to hold it all. With excessive abstention, the bones will dry up and the blood will congeal. The middle ground between gorging and abstention is called moderation. It provides a place for the vital essence to dwell and for knowledge to develop. If hunger or overindulgence is excessive, deal with it in a planned manner. When too full, quickly move about; when hungry, relax your thoughts; when old, forget your worries.


                人之生也  必以其欢      【原文】凡人之生也,必以其欢。忧则失纪,怒则失端。忧悲喜怒,道乃无处。爱欲静之,遇乱正之,勿引勿推,福将自归。彼道自来,可藉与谋,静则得之,躁则失之。《内业》


【英译】It is ever so that man’s life is certain to depend on his being content. Through sorrow he loses his guiding thread; through anger he loses his beginnings. In sorrow and melancholy, joy and anger, The Way can find no resting place. Love and desires—quiet them! Stupidity and confusion—rectify them! Do not pull! Do not push! Happiness will naturally be restored. That the Way will naturally come is something you can count on and plan for. If you are quiescent, you will obtain it.  If you move hastily, you will lose it.


      势利之在 而民自美安



【英译】Those who are skilled in government control the presence of wealth so that the people are naturally content. Without pushing them, they go; without pulling them, they come. Without trouble or worry, the people enrich themselves. It is like a bird sitting on its eggs: there is neither shape nor sound, but the young suddenly appear quite complete.


     凡人之情 见利莫能勿就 见害莫能勿避



【英译】Indeed, it is the nature of men that whenever they see profit, they cannot help chasing after it, and whenever they see harm, they cannot help running away. When the merchant engages in trade and travels twice the ordinary distance in a day, uses the night to extend the day, and covers a thousand li without considering it too far, it is because profit lies ahead. When the fisherman puts out to sea, the sea may be ten thousand –ren deep, and when he heads into its waves and struggles against its tides, raises his small mast and sails out a hundred li, never leaving the water from morning to night, it is because profit lies in the water. Thus, wherever profit lies, even though it be atop a thousand-ren peak, there is no place people will not climb. Even though it is at the bottom of the deepest depth, there is no place people will not enter. 


     誉不虚出 患不独生 福不择家 祸不索人



【英译】Fame does not spring from nothing, nor does calamity have a single cause; good fortune does not seek out individual families, nor is disaster tied to individual men—the same idea is being expressed. Matters will certainly become clear if one is able to use what one has personally heard and seen to reflect on this.


     適身行义 俭约恭敬 其唯无福 祸亦不来



【英译】Therefore, if one makes the self do what is appropriate and carries out one’s duties, ifs frugal and respectful, even if one does not become rich, disaster will certainly not strike. If one is arrogant and extravagant, violates proper measure and stifles reason, even if one escapes disaster, one will certainly not become rich. Consequently, the virtuous prince, on high, observes those who stifled reason as a warning to himself. Below, he observes those who were not successful as a check on himself. 


     不作无补之功  不为无益之事



【英译】By not expending useless effort or engaging in meaningless activity, one’s thoughts become settled and one does not let one’s vital force and true nature become preoccupied[with material things]. If one’s vital force and true nature are not thus preoccupied, one’s ears and eyes will be sharp and clear and one’s clothing and food sufficient. If ears and eyes are sharp and clear and clothing and food are sufficient, aggression will not occur and resentment will not exist. Those on high and those below will draw close together and there will be no need for the use of armed force.

              得所欲则乐  逢所恶则忧




【英译】It is always so in human nature that when people obtain what they desire, they are happy, but when they meet with something they dislike, they are distressed. This is the same whether their position be high or low. What is near at hand, they are bound to desire; what is beyond their grasp, they are bound to dislike. Human nature is always thus, but likes and dislikes differ. Each person acts according to individual desires, but the degree of safety and danger differs, and afterward of the person’s worthiness or unworthiness manifests itself.


        勿烦勿乱  和乃自成



【英译】 It is ever so that the mind’s gestalt is naturally full and naturally replete, naturally born and naturally perfected. Should its function be impaired, it is certain to be due to sorrow and happiness, joy and anger, desire and profit seeking. If we can rid ourselves of sorrow and happiness, joy and anger, desire and profit seeking, the mind will revert to its flawless state. The mind’s inner reality is benefited by rest and quiet. Avoid being harassed or confused, and its harmony will naturally be complete. 


           心无他图  万物得度



【英译】Your ears and eyes will never go astray, nor your mind become occupied with irrelevant concerns. When a stable mind lies within, all things attain their proper measure. … When our minds are well regulated, our sense organs are also well regulated. When our minds are at ease, our sense organs are also at ease. What regulates them is the mind; what sets them at ease is the mind.



【原文】使法择人,不自举也;使法量功,不自度也。故能匿而不可蔽,败而不可饰也;誉者不能进,而诽者不能退也。然则君臣之间明别,明别则易治也,主虽不身下为,而守法为之可也。 《明法》


【英译】Selecting men on the basis of law and did not depend on their own judgments when elevating them. Assessing merit on the basis of law and did not depend on their own judgments to make decisions. Therefore, the able could not be concealed and the corrupt could not disguise their actions. Those who would praise the unworthy were not able to advance; those who would slander the worthy were not able to retreat. Such being the case, ruler and minister were clearly separated, and since this separation was clear, good order was easily maintained. Even though the ruler did not himself conduct activities below, by upholding the law, things were properly done.


       勿创勿作  时至而随【原文】勿创勿作,时至而随。毋以私好恶害公正,察民所恶,以自为戒。黄帝立明台之议者,上观于贤也;尧有衢室之问者,下听于人也;《桓公问》


【英译】Don’t rush to create things; don’t rush to carry things through, When the time is ripe, act accordingly, and never, on account of personal likes or dislikes, violate the principle of impartiality. Examine what the people hate and take it as a warning. Huang Di set up the discussions at the Ming Tai(Bright Tower) so that he could observe those who were worthy from on high. Yao conducted the queries in the Qu Shi(Crossroads Lyceum) so that below he could listen to the people.



【原文】 夫玉之所贵者,九德出焉。夫玉温润以泽,仁也;邻以理者,知也;坚而不蹙,义也;廉而不刿,行也;鲜而不垢,洁也;折而不挠,勇也;瑕适皆见,精也;茂华光泽,并通而不相陵,容也;叩之,其音清搏彻远,纯而不杀,辞也; 《水地》

【汉解】 玉所以贵重,是因为它表现有九种品德。温润而有光泽,是它的仁。清澈而有纹理,是它的“智”。坚硬而不屈缩,是它的义。清正而不伤人,是它的品节。鲜明而不垢污,是它的纯洁。可折而不可屈,是它的勇。缺点与优点都可以表现在外面,是它的诚实。华美与光泽相互渗透而不互相侵犯,是它的宽容。敲击起来,其声音清扬远闻,纯而不乱,是它的有条理。

【英译】The reason for jade being valued is that it manifests the nine virtues. Now its warmth, luster, and smoothness are its humaneness. Its closeness of texture and clear markings are its wisdom. Its hardness and inflexibility are its righteousness. Being sharp but not harmful is its good conduct. Its freshness and unsulliedness are its purity of mind. That it may be broken but not bent is its bravery. Having all its cracks and flaws readily apparent is its sincerity. Its rich elegance and glossy smoothness reflecting, but not detracting from, each other is its tolerance. When struck, its sound being clear and distinct, penetrating, yet simple and uncluttered is its refinement of expression.






【英译】Take establishing tranquility as fundamental and timeliness as a treasure. Take what is correct for rules of deportment, establish constant standards, and set forth the Way. Then the harmony will long prevail. If something does not accord with my rules for proper deportment, even though beneficial to me, I will not act. If it does not accord with my constant standards, even though beneficial to me , I will not promote it. If it does not accord with my way, even though beneficial to me, I will not accept it. Above all, the sage follows Heaven, only then does he follow other men. Unless others lead, he does not seek for harmony. Unless Heaven initiates, he does not seek to follow. Therefore his words are never rejected, nor are his activities ever undermined.


          明君顺人心 安情性



【英译】The enlightened prince accords with the hearts of the people., is at ease with their nature, and proceeds from a consensus of the masses. Hence, his orders are put forth with no resistance while punishments are established but not applied. The former kings were skilled at being as one with the people. Since they were as one with their people, they relied on their state to preserve their state and their people to preserve their people.  This being so, the people would not easily commit wrongs.


      过在自用 罪在变化



【英译】Men may be executed because they dislike death. They may be deprived of profit because they like profit. Thus, the man of quality is not to be enticed by something he likes nor oppressed by what he dislikes. He is contented and nonassertive, rejecting wisdom and pretense. When responding to things, he does not have any preconceptions. When making a move, he does not jump to conclusions. Mistakes are inherent in relying on one’s own opinions. Crimes are inherent in forcing change. 


【原文】圣人之诺已也,先论其理义,计其可否。义则诺,不义则已;可则诺,不可则已。故其诺未尝不信也。小人不义亦诺,不可亦诺,言而必诺。故其诺未必信也。故曰:“必诺之言,不足信也。 【形势解》


【英译】When the sage makes promises, he first discusses their nature and rightness, and estimates their possibilities. If right, he makes the promise; if not, he refrains. If possible, he makes the promise; if not, he refrains. Therefore his promises are always trustworthy. But a petty person will still make a promise even though it is not right or possible. Whenever he speaks, he is certain to promise. Therefore his promises are not always to be trusted.


      为人臣者 比官中之事 而不言其外



【英译】The true prince cultivates a way of remaining above the various offices and not discussing their internal affairs. True ministers coordinate the internal affairs of the various offices but do not discuss matters lying outside them. If the way of the prince is not clear, those who receive his orders will be in doubt. If political power and procedure are not unified, those who practice righteousness will be led away.  




【汉解】 政令重于宝物,政权先于至亲,法度重于人民,威权重于爵禄。所以,不可为重宝而看轻政令,不可为至亲而把国家政权放在后面,不能为爱民而歪曲法律,不能为爵禄而分让权威。所以说:权势是不能给予他人的。

【英译】Orders are more precious than jewels. The altars to Land and Grain take precedence over family relations. The laws are more important than the people. Prestige and power are more to be valued than ranks and salaries. Thus, do not disregard orders because of precious jewels. Do not consider your altars to Land and Grain secondary because of family relations. Do not twist laws and statutes because of love for the people. Do not share your prestige and power because of ranks and salaries. Therefore it is said:”Your position of authority is not something to be granted to others. 





【英译】Above there is the auspiciousness of Heaven, below the suitable of Earth, and in the middle the submissiveness of man…..Pay attention to the seasons of Heaven to initiate undertakings. Use undertakings to move the people, the people to move the state, and the state to move the realm. Now, once the people are certain to know the meaning of political power, what you initiate will be accomplished. Therefore, it is said:” Political power must be based on these considerations.”





【英译】The ways of winning the hearts of men, nothing is as good as benefiting them. Among the ways of benefiting them, nothing is as good as teaching them. Therefore, the sovereign who is skilled in conducting his government has well-developed fields and his capital city and towns are well populated. His court is calm and his offices well run. Public laws are carried out while individual crookedness is prevented. The granaries are full and the jails empty. Worthy men come forward while, wicked people retreat.


         男女无别 民无廉耻

   【原文】 商贾在朝,则货财上流;妇言人事,则赏罚不信;男女无别,则民无廉耻;货财上流,赏罚不信,民无廉耻,而求百姓之安难,兵士之死节,不可得也 《权修》


【汉解】 商人在朝中掌权,财货贿赂就流往上层;妇人参与政事,赏功罚过就不能准确;男女没有界限,人民就不知廉耻。在货财上流、赏罚不信、民无廉耻的情况下,要求百姓为国家甘冒危难,兵士为国家献身死节,是办不到的。


【英译】If merchants and traders are received at court, goods and wealth will flow upward in the form of bribes. If women have a voice in the affairs of men, rewards and punishments will not be reliable. If men and women are not segregated, the people will have neither a sense of integrity nor a sense of shame. If goods and wealth flow upward, rewards and punishments are unreliable, and the people have neither a sense of integrity nor a sense of shame, it is impossible to expect either the hundred surnames to remain steadfast in times of trouble or the troops to be willing to sacrifice their lives.





【英译】 If you do not pay heed to the seasons of Heaven, wealth will not be produced. If you do not pay heed to the fruits of Earth, the granaries will not be full. If the wastelands are left wild and uncleared, The people will run about unrestrained. If those on high lack proper restraint, The people will behave recklessly. If the luxury and artfulness are not prohibited, The people will become licentious. If you do not keep the source of these two evils in check, Punishments will proliferate.


          取民有度 国虽小必安

【原文】地之生财有时,民之用力有倦…..。故取于民有度,用之有止,国虽小必安;取于民无度,用之不止,国虽大必危。 《权修》

【汉解】 土地生产财富,受时令的限制;人民花费劳力,有疲倦的时候;…..因此,对人民征收有度,耗费又有节制的,国家虽小也一定安宁;对人民征收无度,耗费没有节制的,国家虽大也一定危亡。
【英译】The land has seasonal limitations in the production of wealth; the people have a point of exhaustion when using their strength. …..Therefore, if there is proper measure in taking from the people and limits are placed on their employment, even a small state is certain to be safe. But if proper measure is not exercised in taking from the people, and no limits are placed on their employment, even a large state is certain to be in danger.

